Is it time you move to the cloud?

5 signs you should to move to the cloud

You are thinking of moving to the cloud, but you are not sure if the time is now. We get it.

And we’d like to assure that you are at the right place. As an Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner we sure have loads of tips, hints and advice to give you about migrating to the Atlassian Cloud.

There’s no denying that software as a service (SaaS) provides numerous benefits. From better IT resource allocation to modern infrastructure, and end-user features that keep teams productive at scale. According to research, cloud users say they now have more peace of mind around security and updates, better speed and accessibility, and happier teams, while 90% of those who migrated recommend making the switch.

And while all of the above sounds exciting, it isn’t always clear how ready you are to make the move.


Is it the right time for your business to move to the cloud?

We too believe that timing is everything! So, if moving all or part of your workloads to the cloud has been on your mind for a while, here are 5 clear signs that you should go ahead with it!

It’s time to bid farewell to your server and on-prem ways if…

1. Your systems are starting to feel outdated and you are spending too much on maintaining and upgrading…

If you are starting to struggle to do what you want with your on-site IT infrastructure, you are seeing your software age and are you are spending too much money on repairing, maintaining or upgrading.

Then, it’s time to turn your business technology costs into an investment. By making the investment to move to the cloud, you will reduce ad-hoc maintenance time, costs and downtime over the longer term. In addition, you will only pay for additional resources and services as you scale up, making your IT investment even more manageable over time.

2. You want to always have access to data and applications…

When it comes to cloud services, you can use them by simply logging in with the use of a web browser or mobile application, as long as you have access to the internet.

You can login to your application from basically anywhere and from almost every device, using your company’s enforced authentication and security methods. And all this without the need of an IT department to perform complex setups and configurations on servers and the company’s computers.

3. You are losing sleep over your IT security…

Wondering how your business would survive if you were locked out of your systems, lost all your data by data breach or theft, or needed to work offsite? With the right cloud solutions in place you can provide an additional layer of backup for your organisation. First of all, your data are accessible from anywhere and from any computer. Thus, if something happens in your office, your data is still safe in the cloud.

In addition, cloud services come with disaster recovery tools and solutions, so there’s no fear of data loss, while providers also take care of the latest security standards, regular updates, and new features, so the usage of cloud services is considered safe. 

4. You’ve got big growth plans, but a small budget…

Unlike the past, many organisations now focus more strategically on building out a business technology roadmap so that their IT spend has the capacity to accommodate for their “tomorrow” needs.

If your business is on an upward growth trajectory, with the help of the cloud you can scale your IT infrastructure, without the need to buy additional hardware or manage the whole additional IT infrastructure when your business grows. There are no purchasing or space limitations, nor are there geographic limitations, as to where you use the service, as long as you have access to the internet

5. You want to provide a modern workplace experience …

A modern workplace means people are working remotely, working from home, yet teams need the necessary tools to collaborate.

With cloud computing, data is accessible from anywhere and people can easily share projects and collaborate much more easily in real time, wherever they are.

All in all, the cloud provides numerous new options to improve processes and production.


If all of the above sounds all too familiar, then it seems your company is ready for the move. But, if you are not yet convinced and are still concerned whether the cloud is the right choice or not, stay tuned and we will help you through the cloud migration path.


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